Azken urteotan,ShacmanEmaitza nabarmenak lortu ditu Aljeriako ibilgailu komertzialen merkatuan kalitate handiko produktuak eta merkatu estrategia zehatzak dituztenak. Afrikako automobilgintza merkatu garrantzitsuenetako bat da, Aljeria 6,5 milioi baino gehiagoko ibilgailuen jabetza du. Autobus handi, kamioi handiak eta ibilgailu industrial batzuk sor ditzakeen arren, ibilgailu gehienek oraindik inportazioetan oinarritzen dira. 2023an, Aljeriako kuota inportatutako ibilgailuen kopurua 159.000ra iritsi zen, eta horrek garapen zabala eskaintzen du shacmanentzat.
Shacmanhas deeply studied the market demands in Algeria and launched a series of models tailored to the local situation. Among them, the F3000 series dump trucks have become popular choices in the local construction and transportation industries due to their excellent performance. The F3000 dump trucks are powerful, with engine power ranging from 240 to 375 horsepower, which can meet the operation needs under different working conditions. Its high – strength body structure uses imported high – strength plate materials, and the side plates are stamped and formed in one piece. It is not only nearly 2 tons lighter than the common plate material carriage, but also its strength is increased by 3.2 times. The self – weight of the whole vehicle is only 13.5 tons, which effectively increases the payload and improves the transportation efficiency. Gainera, ibilgailuak erregai ekonomia bikaina du, funtzionamendu kostuak modu eraginkorrean murriztuz.
Shacmanalso provides a variety of models for the Algerian market, such as the F2000 series mixer trucks and X3000 tractor trucks. Eredu horiek ospe ona lortu dute tokiko merkatuan eta bezeroek oso fidagarriak dira kalitate fidagarriak, prezio zentzuzkoak eta kostu onak direla eta.
Zerbitzuei dagokienez,ShacmanZerbitzu-sare osoa ezarri du Aljerian, zerbitzu geltoki ugarirekin, ordezko piezen zentroekin eta osagarrien dendekin, kalitate handiko salmentak eta ordezko piezak nahikoa eman daitezke bezeroei modu egokian, beren kezkak arintzeko.
Aljeriako automobilgintza merkatuaren etengabeko garapenarekin,Shacman
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