F3000 irauli kamioiaaltzairu handiko altzairuzko plakak hartzen ditu. Through the internationally leading CAE analysis and finite – element topology optimization, the new frame structure is designed with double – layer combined pressing and one – time forming. The inner lining beam of the girder is optimized from 7mm to 5mm, the structure is more reasonable, and the center of gravity is lower. It not only has a lighter self – weight but also stronger bearing capacity. With the SIS suspension system, as well as the lightweight front axle of MAN technology of Hande and the drive axle of Steyr technology, its bearing capacity far exceeds that of domestic lightweight dump trucks of the same level, and its durability is highly praised.
Gurditxo osoa inportatutako altuera duten material materialez egina dago, eta alboko plakak aldi berean estanpatu eta eratzen dira. Ia 2 tona arinagoa da plaka material arrunta baino, baina indarra 3,2 aldiz handitzen da. The self – weight of the whole vehicle is only 13.5 tons, which effectively increases the effective load of the vehicle and greatly improves the transportation efficiency.
With the precise layout of the “one – country – one – strategy” and the outstanding performance of the F3000 dump truck, Shacman's sales volume in the overseas market has continued to rise, and its brand influence has been constantly expanding. Etorkizunean,Shacman
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